We're not talking about a peanut. Did you read the article?
We're not talking about a peanut. Did you read the article?
I am not qualified to make any diagnosis of any kind. I was just making an observation. My observation was based of my own experience as I used to be an addict (of a different kind).
"Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and…
That isn't your tech geek living inside you. That is your addiction.
Exactly how much good does the NSFW tag do when the image itself is NSFW? I mean, when using a RSS reader it displays pictures like that. So....?
"..went from sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll to science'n'engineering, from playing the bass guitar in the Bay Area to the genius who led Curiosity to the surface of Mars.."
Is there going to be an option to pay/remove the ads? I think I would rather give them $10 than mess with ads at all.
Then THEY wait and flush.
Vote: Das Keyboard Model S Professional Keyboard
Almost looks like a Nokia Lumia.
"The case is due to release soon, and will run you around $85, a LARGE price to pay for form NOT function."
The tips coming out of Lifehacker and other gawker sites as of late have been epic fails.
I'm fairly certain the cyber infiltration you are referring to was planted more than a year ago. We just recently admitted to it is all. Also, Iran's development of a nuclear program is actually instigating our reaction.
Has your work on Wikipedia, while not your goal, led to any outside ventures/prospects as far as job opportunities or contacts?
What do they consider "organic material" in space?
This is kind of scary. Not this weapon in particular, but more the fact of another nation is manufacturing such advanced military technology.
I was actually going to do that. Sadly my sister's bf, who took the picture, passed away before he sent it to me.
Yet my comments that don't directly result in a retort demanded such a long one from you.