
It doesn't, since this isn't medical research. To grab the quick and easy *shudder* wikipedia definition:

Those visuals look stunning!

A *cough* starred user *cough* decided to remove my opinion from this forum because I wrote in it that the author had not researched his material properly. If this offended this particular user, my apologies. What I meant to say was that the article conflicted with my actual experience. Here is my original post,

A quick google search reveals that she is the "Gizmodo UK Contributing Editor", so no, I'd say she's not. This is a word that most of the english speaking word will understand in context, and again, if you're uninformed or confused a quick google search will enlighten you so much. This is an english website, and so

@geolemon: BBM is a lot faster and much more reliable than sms. Though there isn't much difference, the major one is that BBM works over wifi, thus enabling users to text message their BBM contacts for free when they're abroad. I study in england, but go to my family in holland during the vacation. I can still contact

This is not a very well researched article. I am a university student in england, where 90% of the students don't have the money to buy an iphone. They all buy blackberries. Android? Nobody's interested. Everyone has or wants a blackberry. It's not uncommon for BBM contact lists to be 50-100 people long, consisting

@snapper.fishes: This is a very uninformed opinion. Make sure to check your facts ;)

@MasterGiz: That really depends on where you are in the world guv'

Try to use a different browser, firefox worked on mac and windows for me :)

For all those who it doesn't work for, make sure you aren't using or ! I tried with every browser until I gave up and removed the uk. in front of the url and it worked instantly :D

@WAFFO: Angry Sackbirds ;)

You are my nemesis.

@KamWrex: Thank you for that sir, I will now have to watch cute disney films and eat cookie dough all day long just to remove that mental image.

@DrNemmo: Those mormons would have a field day :P

So can this work with a kinect on a PC?

@hurr. pancakes: I have to say, that is one of the most immature things I have heard today, and my five year old cousin was here for most of it. Just because you don't appreciate what someone is doing doesn't mean you should stoop down to their level and be a dick.

@Vifon: PC has been generalised (or quite the opposite?? ^^) to mean a windows computer in layman's terms for the sake of convenience.

Bam ;)

@MifuneT: Try doing that in all your apps, you'll be sorely disappointed in quite a few of them

The thing is that sex is such a prominent social aspect because it is evolutionarily programmed. Due to romantic monogamist emotions becoming entangled into our social and genetic evolution, sex has become a core component of ANY human interaction. The reason symmetrical faces are considered beautiful, and the reason