
@HeroOfTomorrow quit smoking: I have a Blackberry. It doesn't freeze on me, it doesn't lag, it just works. Now I know this varies for devices (as some androids are really fast and some blackberry's quite slow) but when I had my galaxy apollo half of the time I couldn't even pick up a phone call because the phone app

@HeroOfTomorrow quit smoking: I assume you're talking about an android equivalent of BBM. Thing is, you still need to install that, and everyone you talk to needs to know about that app too. EVERY blackberry user has BBM, which is its absolute power. I owned a G1, and then a Samsung Galaxy Apollo, both great android

@Skydog: I hear you man. I can't imagine doing follow through sourcing except in a professional setting.

@pj_rage: These things are alive. Dinosaurs aren't.

@ZeeMox: south pole, western australian countryside, south african countryside, really anywhere except for urban areas.

@Skydog: if you share it and somebody asks you, you source it. But it's always a nice thing to know where things come from so that if you share something and people think it's cool they can go to the place where you found it themselves and check out similar things.

@xTRICKYxx: just be glad it's not iApp

@stavosws6: engadget has a much better (read: watchable) version

@jetRink: Kanelen* I also lived in holland before moving to go to uni but in the winter I could skate from my house over a lake to my primary school. It was about a 3 km.. a bit less than 2 miles. It was awesome =)

@ixta70: burn your house down and hope insurance covers it ;)

@barrit: omg. A portable version of Mass Effect. THIS would be the killer app for the PSP2. A FULL game that you could never possibly procure on a phone/DS. Two joysticks= make a full call of duty game with full online gaming possibilities. If this thing were to launch with Mass Effect, a fully fledged FPS, a metal

@Sidetalker: Because the PC userbase is larger more people will experience the same problem ergo a simple google search will more often than not be more successful for PC problems than for macs.

@jcrane2: I think mint (run by quicken) has an iphone/ipad app. I think also android. So to your last point definitely.

@WilliamTheFifth: I'm commander Shepard and this is my favourite amorphous metal solid in the Citadel.

@wjbean: seriously? how many droid customers do you think will switch to the iPhone once it comes out?

@HeroOfTomorrow quit smoking: I'm sorry, but mentioning infinity blade in terms of competition to a Playstation game is just ridiculous. I have played this game thoroughly on an iPad but it is far from providing any gameplay depth. The only thing where it can compete with a portable playstation game in is graphics.

Now all it needs is a sphygmomanometer.

@improprietary: Try sticking your macbook pro in your jacket pocket. Different niche.