
Or The Magnificent Seven. Or Seven Samurai.

BRUH.  the mustache ain’t got shit on those nasty oily bangs he’s sporting.  eesh

You’re joking, but the general set-up of the Galaxy Team moving to Hisui is strongly evocative of how Japan colonized Hokkaido, which is the area Hisui/Sinnoh is based on. The native peoples of Hisui in the game take design elements from the Ainu, too.

That’s what we thought a year ago. Saying Zelnaj would feast on delicious, seared human flesh would get you banned from social media back then. Now that we spend hours marinating on a skewer for maximum tenderness, I feel free to call Joe a spreader of misinformation. Im between screams, of course. 

JR: I just want to spread the word and expose people to non-mainstream food preparation ideas.  I have no intention to promote the shish kabobing of humans by putting an advocate of shish kabobing humans on my show and telling people they should seriously consider Zelnaj’s non-mainstream ideas. And it’s impossible for

And you have to repeatedly ask him to pick it up pick it up.

I hope next week’s episode of Boba Fett is actually just a new episode of Fringe.

So apparently the secret to making a good episode of a television show is to make it an episode of a different television show.

Huge eels fan back in the day. Saw them a number of times. Then somewhere after Blinking Lights, I started to notice the sameness, and songs seemed to get more boring. Not bad, per se. Just boring, which might be worse. I’ve given each album since then a cursory listen but nothing has returned me back to the fold.

No, Deadpool is 100% more self-aware than Vigilante.

He is basically Deadpool, just a bit more psychotic I guess. Like movie Deadpool is funny/witty/pop culture referencing but somewhat has an actual code of who he goes after.

That would be pretty fun.

I was interested in watching this movie after the first previews. Once I found out it was co-written by David-fucking-Sirota, that turned into a hard pass.

Is Hook Steven Spielberg’s worst movie, or just his most excessive?

“You’re welcome to join us out here in LA. We will not be providing relocation assistance or change in wage. Have a great day!”

Re: the Path of God. I was pretty sure that the path was hidden by a perspective trick, which is why it can be perceived from the side, and that the path itself wasn’t visible front because it looked like part of the rock in front of it.

MG: “When you’re thinking, hey I’m about to do something that could break the universe, run it by us next time.”

My guess is that Strange gets sucked into the Multiverse and everyone else is fine. That will finish Spider-Man’s story while setting up Dr Strange 2.

This movie dovetails directly into multiverse of madness. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s pretty much the end of the movie and there’s a giant “to be continued” 

I think some of the lesser villains (aka anyone not Molina or Defoe) will be different multiverse versions of the characters. So similar to the one from previous movies but different guys.