She looks like a woman defending the patriarchy by placing the bodies and lives of women in Alabama in the hands of white men.
She looks like a woman defending the patriarchy by placing the bodies and lives of women in Alabama in the hands of white men.
He also researches galactic trade policy and writes historical non-fiction about the events leading up to the clone wars.
OMG. Tea Rose Garden is amazing. My wife and I went on a kick for a while where every time we went back to SoCal to visit family, we paid a visit to that place. Now we have a kid, it’s a little more difficult. Plus parking in Pasadena, amirite?
Meanwhile the manufacturing sector is in a slump, with states that went for Trump being the areas hit the hardest. But hey, I’m sure he’ll be re-elected because America.
Ug. I used to follow Unsuck. Usually has a good take on the state of Metro, but this is an INCREDIBLY bad take and I’m glad he/she is getting ratio’d for it.
Piper must be working double time between SHIELD and the DEO.
Anyone else notice that last time disruption thingy that brought “Sarge” was supposed to take place in Indiana and was filmed at the Pasadena City Hall (AKA Pawnee, Indiana, city hall on Parks n’ Rec)? Coincidence or Easter Egg?
I’d take a hacky comedy with Amy Poehler and Maya Rudolph (AND TINA FEY!) over anything Adam Sandler has done any day.
Not necessarily and my point is definitely related. It’s one thing to have a hypothesis that Cap is worthy, but all Thor saw was Mjonir budge when Cap tried to lift it in AoU. Without witnessing him actually lift it, it’s nothing but a guess. Hence “I knew it!” when Cap wielded it against Thanos. The one thing that…
This ... is fine. I mean, I really liked the way the show ended. And it didn’t end the way I thought it was going to: with the Yukos joining together to start a robot rebellion and Kimmy ends up in a shelter (bunker) but this time with her friends.
But Thor didn’t have Mjonir during that period. He had Stormbreaker, and I’m pretty sure there are no similar limitations on who can lift that.
C’mon now. We ALL know Cap has always been worthy. This should shock nobody.
...when it comes to all this stuff you see on TV, when you see blacks and whites together, it makes my blood boil because that’s just not the way a Christian is supposed to live.
God, the actual Sonic looks like a guy in a costume, which is astonishing because it’s all CGI. What were they thinking?
He shed a tear. For a genocidal maniac, I’d call that struggling :-)
For #2, you could argue that’s just the difference between 2014 Thanos and 2018(?) Thanos. I mean, 2018 Thanos had to struggle with killing his kid to get what he wanted. Before that moment, he is pretty much a mustache twirling villain.
I went in, as Glen Wheldon at NPR put it, “parched” and still had to pee. But I think I actually went during the perfect moment. **SPOILERS TOTALLY NOT HELPFUL TO ANYONE WHO HASN’T SEEN THE MOVIE** As they’re coming up with the Time Heist plans and are getting ready to go. I made it back just in time for the team to…
Must’ve been even more awkward injecting the reality stone back into Jane. Yikes!
Shuri was working on him during Infinity War, and she’s back so... seems logical he’ll get fixed.
Exactly! The film focused on the more established characters for a reason. We’re going to get an Avengers film with the newer characters at some point, and that’ll be rewarding in its own way. But this was the OG Avengers’ show.