Matthew Catania

They’ve once again cast an actress with the opposite physique of Sofia Falcone. Are they going to hide Cristin Milioti under as many prosthetics as Colin Farrell?


Please re-colorize him!

DC Studios ought to revive Swamp Thing since the series was cruelly cut down before it even finished its first season. At least let it film the three scripts it had left.

Apparently this covers TV too. They need to greenlight resolution to Legends Of Tomorrow’s cliffhanger!

I remain displeased by the lack of Whirlwind.

I still haven’t forgiven Vhagar for abandoning his family in their time of grief.

That’s what my cat tells me.

Black Adam is not bad; it’s just hard to care about what’s going on. It’s thankfully neither tonally dour nor visually dark, but the approach still feels wrong.


  If Superman didn’t want the US government keeping tabs on him & killed terrorists, why he see Adam as a threat for acting likewise? What is the point of another superhero misunderstanding battle movie? The stinger should’ve featured the Shazamily instead!

This movie’s not bad; it’s just hard to care about what’s going on. The movie is peppered with things from the comics but explains them so haphazardly being able to identify them doesn’t make the movie more comprehensible. References to the rest of the DC shared movie universe make it less coherent overall.

I hope they finally pay off those Stilt-Man teases!

Daredevil season 3 was already a loose adaptation of “Born Again,” so I reckon they’ll just be using the name to reference the series being rebooted.

Maslany was perfect.

But which one with the motorcycle?

But I wanted a sequel to TORNADO! starring Bruce Campbell & Ernie Hudson!

I wish they would’ve let General Ross die offscreen. Not out of respect to William Hurt, just because the I dislike the character. Why bother with Harrison Ford, however, when you could bring back Sam Elliot’s moustache?

Has AHS released trailer with actual show footage yet?

The actual legal scenes are underwhelming, although maybe this is an accurate portrayal of how the law works in the MCU?