Matt Sigur

If this film is so good, why does it only get a B? I mean it reads like you liked it what with all the loaded adjectives you used when not giving the reader a plot summary. I'm constantly confused by the A.V. Club's newfound inconsistency and lack of voice when it comes to film review.

it's a great place to be, in that it's full of white people!

this song is great….for white people! 

remember when win butler was on the cover of spin (or whatever it was) with bruce springsteen…you think the boss was kinda freaked out by him?

any mention of tori amos always gets me chuckling. 

yeah, i can't wait for that one.

super underrated flick right here. 
this is one of my favorite de niro performances and scorsese films.

the film reviews are killing me here. i just don't even get it. ain't them bodies saints c+ while this oscar bait gets a b-…..ok, look i didn't read the review, but holy shit how can i take any of this seriously when the only film that's gotten a positive review with this new staff is the wolverine?!

frances blah! right?

i think i'm a 40 year old in a 25 year old body. 
— benjamin button.

i hate to be the old guy, but fuckin' kids.

hey i'm from west monroe.

double a is killing me. his reviews and now he's pimpin this video game. c'mon bruh.