Mattress Sale

Why do you think he's talking about her appearance?

I'm with you. The only times I've really loved her stuff is when she plays live and goes nuts on the guitar. On record, I feel the production is too stiff and clean to really bring out her talents. She could really use an Albini record.

When watching SNL, Tim Meadows never stood out to me that much. Listening to podcasts, the guy is the best. I believe that can actually be said for a lot of SNL comedians actually.

Sorry! I don't mean to imply that at all - I love Pollard unconditionally. Still, he does have a track record that's closer to 50/50 success/failure than someone like Ty Segall who is currently at about 70/30. Pollard throws out everything he writes, and that's really part of the charm of him, and you have to take the