
I read the title like this “The Reaper Tech’s Corner Workspace”. Ohh I need more sleep

20 weeks is 140 days. Boy they are really attached to that number!

It is sugarless that are the colon cleansers, not the regulars.

It is sugarless that are the colon cleansers, not the regulars.

I don’t disagree that it looks But I’m so glad they got rid of the grille finally, it really has no place on an electric car. Hopefully grille-less styling evolves from here, but still glad to see it’s absence.

Welp, at least you guys have lots of tips for living like hobos.

I’m glad I scrolled down, I was confused as to why she was speaking during a Hillary Clinton acceptance speech.

I think it’s awesome that you are voting against your own interests and don’t even care!

Even though her green laser was more powerful than Hill’s her backup guy had the super powerful Violet laser.

I agree - it’s the equivalent to a “bless your heart” in a lot of instances.

When an affectionate term like dear is used by a stranger/person in a position of power it always comes off as super condescending to me.

This interaction is really surprising to me considering how focused she always is on her tone and wording (almost to a fault, in that some people think she can be robotic).

Snort! That was awesome.

So the Iphone is 4% off? Thanks Kinja...?

So the Iphone is 4% off? Thanks Kinja...?

You sound like a very good spouse.

You sound like a very good spouse.

Doctor’s also report that he was able to remember to “Pass it to Kobe.”

We will be now.

You think I’m an alcoholic?

So my hot-take on this: this is the beginning of the end for Trump as a GOP nominee, he continues to slip in the polls, Carson over takes him. Whether Carson ultimately get the nomination is besides the point, the point is, Trump gets unseated in this race. HOWEVER, rather than give up, in true Trump fashion, he

That is indeed high as fuck.

Also be high as fuck

Like, Ben Carson high