So, who’s going to replace all those Biden “I did that” stickers with some other kind of sticker somehow implying that a former President lowered gas prices?
So, who’s going to replace all those Biden “I did that” stickers with some other kind of sticker somehow implying that a former President lowered gas prices?
“I hated the last gen CTR, it was too gaudy and over the top”
Mob bosses cannot agree with each other on money laundering strategy.
Watch the movie Brazil
I heard it’s really about Paul Schaffer.
I have always taken issue with the discourse around Quiet which always just sounded to me like slut-shaming. Wanting a Resident Evil giantess to sit on you is perfectly cool but a woman existing in a bikini is Japanese perviness in full effect.
I’d take a 300k mile 997 over a 100k mile 996 thankyouverymuch.
“Kudos for that unexpectedly happy soundtrack” Uh, no. When a video has insipid, idiotic, guitar strumming, imbecile whistling, pointless, generic musac, I stop it and move on. I would honestly rather listen to the original musac... elevator music. Just stop it. It’s not necessary, and it makes my brain hurt.
Cranking but not starting with a Smart will sometimes either be an issue with the immobilizer not disabling or perhaps a bad fuel pump. Given that car’s mileage and cosmetic condition, I’m leaning fuel pump. Easy test: shoot some fire-make-it-happener down its throat and step back.
I’m just going to come out and say it:
I really don’t understand this marketing campaign for The Flash.
Good riddance, I actually thought he already died. My parents were hippie bikers fully entrenched in the Harley lifestyle. They ate up all the Hell’s Angels stuff they could find. We would watch the TV docs about them and they treated it like “here are some cool dudes who went against THE MAN, they really stood for…
I’m sure you and I are not the only ones that thought this. I hope someone buys one and changes the wing uprights to look like Batmobile fins....
In a way, it does kind of have a jet engine, since the exhaust for the aero fans is dead center in the back of the car, just like the GMA T.50. Even if it doesn’t supply…
Honestly a good take, especially with fwd where there is literally no reason to route between the seats
Sounds like an insurance fraud scheme.