I’m curious if most of these are for quality and reliability, or simple devaluation? Mercedes and Audi are infamous for high prices and low resale value.
That Bimota is a time machine on two wheels. Straddling that bad boy would be like stepping back into a time of Drakkar Noir cologne and Reebok hi-tops.
Any Youtuber who says (in big bold Impact font letters) that their video is about something shocking, and spend the first 20 minutes of a 25 minute video selling their products, joking with their friends and pointing at things. Adding in all the YT commercials and you’ve wasted hours of your precious life learning…
The Cybertruck has bigger issues, like slicing people’s carrots without pause.
The only thing I remember about the Mitsubishi Legnum VR-4 is that it was a monster in Gran Turismo.
One block of firm tofu costs less than $2 and can last me 4 days. What’s not to love?
Dearest Porsche,
Like the guy said about the cute girl convicted of carving her ex-boyfriend up and dumping his body parts into an alligator farm, “I can fix her.”