Jerry’s history of defending people’s actions doesn’t always work out well.
Tesla’s electric engines don’t get a pass, either. Can you imagine buying an electric car, with all it’s tacky bells, whistles and giant iPad glued to the dash, and barely beating Lincoln in the reliability scale?
The ocean floor is full of polymetallic nodules, also called manganese nodules, which are just pearl-like collections of minerals that just roll around with the tides. Chances are this is just a collection of odd material that morphed into an egg-like sphere that exploded... for some reason.
Hah, take that hackers. My iPhone 7 only goes up to 15.7.8.
Golf Rs are great because you can tune them up to Ferrari-like performance without any kind of extreme modifications. Like the man said, speed is just a matter of money; how fast do you want to go?
It’s just so ugly...
Self-checkout was awesome when they had the Scan-N-Go system where you scan all the barcodes with your phone and then, when you get to the terminal, scan your phone’s barcode and all your items are already in the register. Worked great until, I guess, people started skipping certain items like alcohol, from the…
The interwebs. Such a wondrous frontier.
It will be cooler if they go at night.
Man, that music still gives me chills.
After the coming Apocalypse™, the only things left will be cockroaches and diesel Mercedes wagons.
Someone should set up a boiler room full of actual writers pretending to be AI writers and take the scab money from the studios. That’ll learn ‘em.
Misspelled “clarified.”
The Ford Pinto.
Reminds me of:
That dragon is yoked.
Hey, remember Balloon Boy?
It’s just too damn hot.