
The sad thing is studios know they can survive, and even thrive, on their current supply of legacy content. That is evident in their history of terminating new shows and projects, and even shelving completed non-released features. It’s going to be a long, hot summer.

This is sort of like when porn stars are paid to have their genitals re-created in silicon and then sold in unlimited numbers for the masses to engage in whatever nefarious deeds they see fit... or don’t fit.

That’s funny. I believe I bought my Ring camera thru a sponsored link posted on this very site. Hmm...

So wait, my 900+ HP Ford Mustang Shelby GT500KR is now just a pile of stinky trash?

This rings with familiarity...

Now playing

I blame Twitter’s tailspin on Musk’s recent hire as CTO of a Dr. Bunsen Honeydew.

I don’t understand why companies who make VR or AR goggles feel the need to stuff EVERYTHING into the goggles themselves. All you really need is the stereoscopic screen, some motion sensors, a couple low-throw speakers (or in Apple’s case, 5 spatial speakers) and a wireless connection fast enough to stream all that

Leave the moon alone.

Disney’s history of using robots and computers to replace actual employees goes deep into their culture. Just wait until they start using AI technology to create animated movies.

There’s a joke that starts out “what do you call 5 billionaires at the bottom of the ocean?” but it may be too soon for the punchline.

At least they have a story to tell now...

Reminds me of when Apple put a forward-facing camera on their early iPhones, and people asked, “why would anyone want to take a picture of themselves?”

The Grand Budapest Hotel” was the one Wes Anderson movie that I thought was somewhat grounded in character development more than scenic display or cinematic cleverness (although it had plenty of both). Towards the end, I actually felt a real emotion tethered to something Ralph Fiennes’s character said.

[going to work in this awesome thing]

Twitter is dead. Instagram is a flopping fish on the shore of disinterest. These mega-companies better come up with something new to peddle or people will go back to reading books.

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Hopefully they’ll work in some PSAs, you know, for the kids.

[ahem] ‘scuse me, Porsche? It’s a concept car. Ditch the steering wheel/yoke and put in a center-mounted joystick that controls steering and acceleration/braking, so that the operator can control it from either seat. Mkay?

“CGI Indy doesn’t look great, we’ll admit.”

I didn’t watch it. No one I know watched it. In fact, very few people I know even use Twitter at all. This country feels increasingly lop-sided.

“Dr. Playground” sounds like a horror movie title.