
Fun things to do in Wyoming:

Nuclear bombs; either a foot away or 25,000 miles away, anything in between is just a bad time.

Have you ever heard the story of Darth Vader the Fried?

Just wait, you’ll see. Just... just wait. It’s going to be huge...

I’m starting to believe that buying Twitter wasn’t the best $44 billion Elon Musk ever spent.

Hard to believe that, 15 years ago, there was no YouTube economy, no influencers, no Instagram or Tik Tok, Twitter and Facebook had just started out, and people still got their Netflix movies as DVDs in the mail.

Weird that the Tesla just kept going after the crash until it hit something else. That seems dangerous.

For every Musk you destroy, two more in his place.

Apple: “We did nothing wrong and will never admit to what we did not do wrong but we will change our privacy settings that were correct to begin with and here’s some settlement money even though we did nothing wrong but go away and leave us alone.”

Once, in the distance, I saw a Nissan 240sx that was completely unmodified. It was in the same condition as the day it left the showroom. I approached it, cautiously, as one would a resting unicorn or dodo bird. I came within 20 feet of it and slowly it vanished...

Aren’t these the drives that proved to be fake? They were just 256gb mini-SD cards inside that had some kind of hacked bios that made it look like it had 2TB storage size?

Aren’t these the drives that proved to be fake? They were just 256gb mini-SD cards inside that had some kind of

Better to name yourself after something solid and eternal like “The Rock,” and not something that’s temporary or needs to be solved like “The Situation.”

Red Snow Cats always foretell danger...


One day the Internet™ will be turned off and it will be fun to see all these social media celebrities scramble for jobs at The Waffle House.

But just look at the G80 Sport: It’s gorgeous.”

Such a great line.

When I was a country club valet back in the early ‘90s, I was afforded the chance to park the best of the best at the time; Lexus, Infiniti, Mercedes, an odd Cadillac or two. The Jaguars really stood out from the pack. It was like the car was carved out of stone and the interior was wrapped in the fluffiest

Heh, you said “Wankel.”