Weren’t those early VW busses rated at like 25hp?
Weren’t those early VW busses rated at like 25hp?
Those doors are awful. I want to see Doug DeMuro try to twist himself into that cockpit.
Something tells me she has a blaster strapped to her thigh instead of a garter.
Engine, electronics, drivetrain; if major failures in these areas don’t dissuade you then, yes, go for it.
Yes. Considering the 3 games are interlinked (4 if you count System Shock) story-wise, it would make an epic series.
This is bad news for everyone except a select few. Guess which ones?
Electric cars are fast, we know. Anything with 100% torque available at any time is going to beat a conventional ICE vehicle everytime.
You can have steel collars put on the pipes leading into and out of the converter, which will slow down the sawing of said piping significantly. I’ve heard of people being victims of converter theft 3-4 times in a year. Usually they are tall pickups and SUVs. The fact that they jacked up your car and sawed it off…
So, the Earth’s surface is 70% water; where is all that water going? Back into underground reservoirs? Evaporated into the atmosphere?
Don’t worry, potential Dodge Muscle Car buyers; you can still do your sick burnouts in electric cars. It’s just not as loud.
“Netflix And Chill?” omg u r so meta. I bet ur bae is fire.
Traditionally, clowns were utilized to distract the audience from such things as tragic accidents, boring interims or shoddy workmanship.
RIP Keith Flint!
“Katchow Mode” apparently has something to do with sarcastically throwing shade on something (someone) else?
This kind of project isn’t really about getting it done as fast as possible; it’s a learning experience for both the creator and the audience. He’s made mistakes and fixed them, explaining in great detail his thought process. Every episode has a lesson for anyone considering this kind of endeavor.
The crows in my neighborhood are very spoiled. I occasionally feed them peanuts, which they fight the squirrels for. You can get a bag of nuts from the discount stores for like $1. Crows will go thru that whole bag in one sitting, eating some and storing the others. Crows also like to gossip so I get two one day, 4…
That Velorex reminds me of Mr. Hulot’s car from “Mr. Hulot’s Holiday.”
I heard once that Discovery considers shows like this “news events,” as in they do not control, condone or influence what is happening in the show, they just show it and promote it. I’m sure that the creators and participants of these “news events” are encouraged to push the envelope for better ratings, but exactly…
Tomica’s “Pocket Cars” had a level of detail that neither Hot Wheels or Matchbox could hope for. Just this Porsche 935 shows how much effort they put into their die casting, painting, transfers, etc. Plus the doors opened!
If your using the tank water to cool your CPU/GPU, that’s a real good way to boil your goldfish.