
Disney World only has the one instance of teacups, but I think they've got four different rides that are just Flying Dumbos with different themes. Now that kind of ride was one my favorites when I was a kid, so I guess I can't knock it too much, but, still, at a Disney park they seem like placeholders for something

It's still there, and it's at least a pretty good roller coaster, but "Dude Looks Like A Lady" has not aged well.

… the King Features comics land is worse, though, aside from the excellent Popeye and Bluto raft ride.

Or Nintendo land (They have those rights, though they're starting in Japan).

The Avatar land was probably their first attempt, Star Wars Land the second. The Avatar theming looks amazing but has the disadvantage of being a media property people are not really excited about any more, if they ever were. Star Wars is probably another story.

In some ways I do too, but their use of the Marvel properties is hampered by their not having the rights to the MCU movies. On the other hand, they could probably cut a deal with Fox over the X-Men-verse— that has potential.

The sketch begins as basically a "Phineas and Ferb" joke—it may even have been directly inspired by a bit on "Phineas and Ferb". The first twist turns it into the clever meditation on real evil vs. kid-cartoon evil (which ironically reminded me of one of my favorite passages in "The Incredibles", with Helen telling

Not only is he unlikely to be impeached/convicted or resign, he's got better than even odds to be reelected in 2020, simply because he's the incumbent. Remember, his personal popularity, while not high, is higher now than it was when he won the election.

Apparently she's had more mainstream success as a songwriter, up to now. Interesting, unusual voice.

My favorite thing about the "Alexa for seniors" bit was the industrial design: woodgrain and woven-looking metal grille like a 1960s console stereo.

That little CGI movie also shows the equatorial line bisecting the superlaser dish, which it doesn't. I've always assumed it was just made before the design for the movie models was finalized, and you're not supposed to notice that it's in error.

Computer programmers' job is largely to invent robotic computer programmers. That's what compilers are, and most of the automated tools that help with software development—they're programmers putting themselves out of the job of doing something or other that they used to do by hand.

Bad stuff is enjoyable as camp, but there's nothing more punishing than badly done camp.

The whole galaxy is going to get seeded with PB's teeming candy embryos, anyway!

You'll shoot your eye out, kid!

Well, you beat me to posting that.

…Hell, even the oil companies do long-term planning on the basis of this being real. They're rushing to explore the new drilling areas opened up by the ice caps melting. They know perfectly well what's going on.

The US military is generally pretty conservative. Their long-term planning is on the basis of anthropogenic climate change being real. They're not screwing around.

It was particularly stupid given that all of the free-market weather outlets use NWS data, though they may supplement it with some other work.

The Weather Channel originally was that! One of their co-founders was a climate denialist. They eventually published an open letter repudiating his statements, after he left, I think.