
You’d better believe Bill O’Reilly is going to investigate her family situation. He’ll get the answers no matter what, even if he has to drag the decedent’s mother down a flight of stairs by her throat.

Regular guns don’t work against good guy guns. That’s why it’s so important for the good guys to have guns.

The Four Rules

So deeply “religious,” yet they commit all sorts of crimes against women, their communities and their government, while blatantly flouting the tenets of the god they claim to serve.

It continues to amuse/irritate me to no end that these people - white, conservative, religious - are the real face of welfare fraud. Not saying that other people don’t cheat the system but the FLDS have turned welfare fraud into an art form. Yet somehow when some people use the term ‘welfare queen’ you just know the

Well, that's life as a Republican!

and all his stand up specials after that, he speaks so dearly and with so much love for his wife and child. Even though I didn’t know who she was or read any of her work, it was absolutely heartbreaking to hear of her passing because his love was so tangible even through words and jokes.

Bitchin’ Camaro stands corrected.

Me at work right now.

And I’m going to start telling jokes again soon. And writing. And acting in stuff and making things I like and working with friends on projects and do all the stuff I was always so privileged to get to do before the air caught fire around me and the sun died.

Right in the feels!!

Easy to think that given he didn’t run. He’s given it quite a few tries, and has been brought down by something or other every time. He’s a lovely guy, but like anyone with a long record of service, there’s plenty of shit to pick at, and the book’s been out on him for quite some time. Selfishly, as a big fan of his,

Blame the cancer that killed Beau Biden. Joe Biden went on Colbert’s Late Show in its first week and talked about making a public appearance where someone mentioned serving with Beau and Joe lost it. On Colbert he could barely hold it together while telling the story. It’s obvious that the grief of losing his son

You just close your eyes and cry out I believe, i believe, I believe! Turning in a slow circle while throwing sparkly confetti. And then he just...shows up.

This is a beautiful and touching story. But I also want to see the transcript of this wedding, because you know he said some very Uncle Joe-ish stuff.

Where do I sign up to have Joe Biden officiate my wedding?

The fact that I am finding joy and solidarity in something Kelly does makes me even angrier at Trump. She’s awful... but war rules of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” seem to apply here. Yes. I’m going with that.

I don't think the plastic sword would make much difference there. They'll always get the wrong idea. :(

As much as I'd love to, if cops see a black guy pointing a plastic sword at people, they may get the wrong idea.

I realize that this is going to be unpopular, but I don't know how many of you have seen how paparazzi treat the celebrities they follow around all day. I know that it's a part of the territory and whatnot, but they say awful shit to not only them, but also their families and the people they're with, in an attempt to