
THIS ALL DAY. I’m happy to report that I made my own

What the actual fuck? :

Here for this, and you delivered:

I dig th egold. I wear gold accents with tan suits. Just like BO. SWASS!

Too shay!

Was here for this, and yall delivered:

I cant wait till James Woods ODs on fentanyl...

“Why is it always a cabal of dummies with weak chins, eyes that are precariously close together and undefined jawlines?”

Definitely not making lemonade....

“I called the Sheriff but nobody answered.”

Who missed that? Really?

Loves me some Savage (most of the time...) kin(k)g of gross descriptors. ;) Thanks for sharing. I knew I was close...ish.

The comments on that article are typically gross. Buncha Trumpets calling for the three women charged to be executed for treason, while simultaneously saying “ya gotta follow the money” - meaning these women were paid to do this. They didn’t concoct a scheme on their own., They were paid by someone representing the

Promote this idea. These comments need to be up top, yall....

All of the stuff you said. Yup. So many stars, but I can give just one....

Probably true, but unintentionally.

“Santorum-covered” really makes my skin crawl. Not sure why. Makes me think of “vernix”, the waxy white substance covering newborn babies.

I love/hate how each embarrassing story about an embarrassing fellow whitey being white and trashy as fuck while failing to mind their own fucking business includes an actual photo of the actual Becky WITH THE PHONE UP TO HER EAR, lookin’ all smug and shit.

Typical ham handed fucking media.

No it is not.