
most people != power users who upgrade with third-party hardware on day one.

Well, it depends—back when McDonald's had the mega-sized sodas and fries, my family would split one of each; since we would typically eat in the restaurant, we'd of course put ice. Of course, my family has always been much more willing to share food, cups, etc.

As the article notes, 5683 spells LOVE.

...yeah, it's time for phone manufacturers to get together and standardize an IP-based SMS replacement. Sure, feature phones won't have it for a couple years after smartphones get it, but at least we can start weaning off the texts.

Shovels with the shafts replaced with colored fluorescent lights. I don't thnk you'd necessarily want to have all of them lined up like that in your space, but still kinda cool.

No kidding. My bank froze my debit card as soon as I crossed from New Mexico to Texas and bought $30 worth of gas. I don't see why a bank shouldn't be expected to do the same for even mildly unsettling transfers of large funds.

Yeah, the main feature I like in Tweetbot that Twitter doesn't have is the swipe-to-right for conversation, which (unless I'm missing something) requires you to enter the tweet and tap a button within the new screen in Twitter. Swipe-to-left is also cool, but I don't use it quite as often. The UI fluff really does

It's also a few hairs slower than the official Twitter app, which is due in no small part to all of the custom prettiness. It's not that big of a deal on the iPhone 4, but still noticeable when you return to the official app after several days. On the 3G (which I had to use for an international trip, since it still

With his connections and track record, I'd consider him a more reliable source than the average gizmodo commenter; and I'd agree that Apple has brought quite a bit of money in for carriers, particularly AT&T, but whether a carrier's scorn is justified does not necessarily correspond to whether a carrier will have

As an Apple fan and heavy iOS user, I welcome this; make Apple question, defend, and maybe modify its 30% cut, and cause competing developers to strive to find features and functionality that will make a dedicated app compare favorably with a web app that can also do offline. Let that go back and forth a few times so

Well, that's certainly a subjective statement (which, for those commenters complaining, is allowed in an op-ed). For me personally, iOS has an all around better visual design; Android seems well-suited to the power user, and while I'm capable of managing that, I don't always want to. Apple's UI is relatively

Depends on the iThingy; the fact that they didn't cut support for the 3Gs (even though everyone thought they would) is a good sign, as I think they probably learned their lesson from putting iOS 4 on the 3G.

I'm guessing that the new phone this fall will have another LED better suited for alerts than for camera flashes.

Well, many of the features they announced today were blatantly ripped off from the most popular iOS apps on the market—the most hilarious being the "volume button as shutter in Camera", a feature Camera+ implemented a year ago as an opt-in easter egg, which led to its prompt banning from the store until the feature

Yeah, but now that's going across as (in most cases) much cheaper-for-the-user data instead of SMS on a 100x margin.

As has been stated numerous times, it's not only pre-installed, it's seamlessly integrated with the default Messages app. Instead of using a separate phone number, you just text anyone you want from your actual number. If the recipient is on iOS 5 (on *any* device on 3G or wifi), it's free

The entire point of the article is noting that there's evidence/supposition from relatively informed sources that the carriers *didn't* know about it until we all found out this morning.

If this were something remotely near the scale of a full-blown Photoshop Pro, I'd be inclined to agree with you, but I would have felt just as uneasy about paying $20 for this if the MAS didn't exist; indeed, the fact that I wouldn't have to give my credit card to another random website means I'm actually a little

off season for buying != not using a grill you bought in the summer.

I had thought the main reason Houston may not get a shuttle was due to its proximity to the Gulf, and therefore the chance that a hurricane could wipe it out- there was actually a large movement for them to house a shuttle in nearby College Station (home to Texas A&M and the George Bush Library) because it recieves