Matt Scanlon

All Game of Thrones and Star Wars all the time.

Anyone who wasn't giggling like an idiot stoner when Claire was blowing shotguns is lying.

Sing hosannas to capitalism, but really your platform is autarky, and your only solution massive infrastructure spending? That's a fascism.

That should be, "Against whom does our country need defending?"

For the shit-show that is the modern presidential campaign, the actual presidential debates themselves still focus on policy.

I have no doubt the first presidential debate will be among the most bizarre events in American history.

Ditto Clinton in 92.

Honestly I wouldn't even rate the Supreme Court all that highly among the true Branch Trumpidians. The selection of justices is more an issue for Hugh Hewitt types who have to find something, anything, to justify their support of Trump.

Considering a genuine fascist movement is afoot in America I wish people were spending more than 50% of their time stopping Trump.

It wouldn't even be close to W.

I've got a much uglier word for it, sir….. MISAPPROPRIATION!

It's a flat circle.

Didn't Melisandre say "We will meet again" when she first met Arya? Can't contradict witch vision.

Hey, it's the obnoxious kid from WHAS: First Day of Camp.

"They have pre-school, why not pre-work?!"

Melisandre and Arya have to meet again, so there's that.

I'm hoping the High Sparrow is bludgeoned to death with a bowling pin, but only after he is forced to say "There is no god; I am a false prophet" repeatedly.

Littlefinger killed Ramsay and Joffrey. He's the show's true hero.

She should've clipped her hair back.

Watching an advance copy with watermarks and incomplete VFX? No thank you.