Matthew McGuire

Gayfish Yo.

You know something about getting strangled? You need a lot of time to sit there and keep it up, stabbing someone might not get the job done right away...But for a 13 year old if you want to kill someone there is no quicker option than a gun and THAT is a wayyy bigger issue than your making it seem.

I live near Gainesville Fl that's a pretty major city but my internet isn't high speed at all.

I don't like Sam Raimi's Spider-Man, they are good movies on their own but not good Spider-Man movies. These movies are closer to the comics than anything, which I love Mary Jane not being in the movies was a smart choice, them trying to set up the Sinister Six is all I want from a Spider-Man movie. The Marvel movies

New Avenger..

Because the Xbone does take way too long to install the game... Look at the PS4's speed before you start criticizing the author of the article. I've seen the bias go from Xbone to PS4 so many times on this site that I'd say it is pretty even.

Nice to see Bravest Warriors when I scroll down. Kudos to you.

Don't put it on its side then...It and the Xbox One aren't made to be on the side only to lie flat.

Exactly why I'm excited to see how Part 2 plays out when you plays a Elizabeth and it turns into a stealth game.

But we already got a idea of what Rapture was like from Bioshock: Rapture (the book) granted we didn't get to see it like we will in this upcoming DLC but it was there.

It won't fill up your HDD, if I remember correctly the PS4 uses only 50GB for cached game data.

Oh I know that, I was just telling him why the comments are full of people finding a way to shit on Microsoft.

Probably cause the guy got banned for buying the console.

You bought your friend?

I feel like that would be fun, sometimes I like to take breaks from games and just surf the interwebs for awhile but I still have my 360 right next to me to talk to my friends in party chat, so I would like to see what they are up and so they don't have to explain to me what just happened.

Idk about Twitch, but I see Youtube working with the internet browser I hope it has.

The best way I can get you to "get behind hip-hop" Cause I too listen to the all the layers of music at once, so try to listen to the way they use the lyrics to flow with the beat in the background and you might appreciate it more

Well there is 1.5 on PS3 and there is birth by sleep, and re:coded which technically would be part of this generation of consoles. Handheld Consoles that is.

Yeah but not everyone has high speed internet right now (Like me for instance) Hopefully by the time the next consoles come out the whole world will have the internet that is required for that kind of gaming, but Microsoft made the smart choice by not doing that as it will alienate customers like me.

I can agree with that, the parry I never really used. I'm a aggressive attacker in KH and parry always slowed me down cause you would have to be standing still to do it.