Mr. Sack

I can never have enough Darkstalkers artwork.

But...she already a stab wound that went complete through her...

When Cracked brought this point up, I noted that "Andy's Dad" is a perfect Rorschach's test; you interpret it however you want. He could be dead, they could be divorcing, he could be overseas or away on business trips in the three moments depicted in the films, there's no definite answer for any given, and there

Big McLargehuge

Would have been nice to see Darkstalkers (NightWarriors or Vampire Savior) on here. You know, at least TRY to give it more exposure.


Rugrats all grown up?...nah, that would never work! ;)

And Craig Bartlett is Matt Groening's brother in law, too!

Capcom's treatment of Darkstalkers Resurrection. They didn't take the effort of redoing the graphics like Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix from years back (which gauged the public interest in a new Street Fighter entry), the ports didn't have any of the extras from the homeports, it was not featured at any

I like the way you think!

He Slatered the hell out of that chair!

They're name-dropping several current hot topics in order to justify tags and draw in people interested in those topics. The last two panels are a meta-joke.

Everything's Archie!

When I was a kid, I loved playing games on my NES. In fact, the only thing I loved more was playing co-op on the NES (this is a by-product of being an only child). Luckily for me and my next-door neighbor, there was always River City Ransom—part of the Kunio-kun series, which is still going strong in Japan to this day.

If nothing else, the poll served to introduce me to Castle Vidcons and Life in Aggro, which I have been blazing through and laughing my ass off!

I call it TOO funny! I'll definitely be following this!

"Hey guys, maybe we can actually try and give Lightning some real character, an actual compelling story arc where she evolves emotionally, grows naturally, and comes out in the end a changed person? You know, like the classic Final Fantasy entries."

I'd call it a DEEP dive!

I really like Star Wars, and I'm super happy that a company like Disney, with plenty of resources at their disposal, has control of the Star Wars franchise. Personally, I'd prefer not to have Star Wars within the Kingdom Hearts universe, only because all I've been hearing from people who haven't played Kingdom Hearts

We are the same, you and I.