
Rock me Dr. Zaius!

Ah. Thank you! My memory of the original show is a bit…sketchy.

Can somebody explain to me what the hell was happening in that scene with "Johnny" running around the house in a blue tracksuit before slamming into the wall (and getting an electrical jolt!) hard enough to knock himself out/ maybe kill himself?

I don't know what the hell I expected after "Part 8" but yeah, this was sort of pedestrian even without the comparison to the batshit fireworks of the last ep.

I wanted a spinoff where Pam and Lafayette partnered up to open a beauty parlor in Bon Temps. They could take turns throwing shade at each other while they cut and curled hair, solved crimes and had adventures.


I watched the Clint Eastwood/ Don Siegel The Beguiled from 1971 (streaming on HBO on Demand) and holy hell was I floored by it. I just wasn't prepared for how bold and upfront it was with its themes of emotional manipulation, repressed lust, jealousy, incest, lesbianism, violence and murder.
The cast is uniformly

Goddamn. RIP Mr. Ellis. Too fuckin soon, hooker.

Oh man. Lafayette was one of my favorite characters on TB. I dreamed of a spinoff where Pam and Lafayette ran a beauty salon in Bon Temps and had adventures.

Phylis Schafly?

Rock me, Dr. Zaius!

I blame the score.

Say hi to Temple City for me. I grew up there.

It's hot as fuck in L.A., too.

I've been waiting for it to come back on! Is it on Cinemax? Where did you see it?

Linda Hamilton is really fun in that movie.

Sex workers just flat out refuse to do it. Some of them even call the cops if you even bring it up.

You two…

"I'm With Her" was such a perfect encapsulation of the narcissistic hubris at the core of the Clinton campaign, exacerbating the divide that was already ripping the left in two after Sanders' populist message struck home with so many. The left was bitterly divided after Clinton won the primary and, like you said, she

"Garmonbozia for you, and garmonbozia for you….garmonbozia for everyone!!"