
Get the fuck out of here with that racist trope laden bullshit fanfiction link you’re posting!

Strike the first sentence and I agree 100%. Movies are not to blame for behavior so much as a historical lack of having to pay for one’s own actions. Just like movies about serial killers don’t create more serial killers, F&F is just a movie franchise and should not be used to enable anyone to externalize anyone

Fucking Fast and Furious movies have a lot to answer for. If you want to race, take it to a track. If you can’t find, or cannot afford, a track, then this ain’t the hobby for you. Find another one.

I guess we’ll just assume that a cheeseburger and a Big Gulp were inside the vehicle?

Murica, summed up in a single photograph. Yeehaw.

They didn’t lose their lives. They were KILLED.

If you can’t down a big gulp and hot dog whilst handling a stick shift, you shouldn’t be driving.

“I’d explored all my options. I tried to leave. I tried to look for anyone who’s around,” she recalled.

Marceline & Artist,

How dare you, sir?

She didn’t even have to walk away; she could have just put the leash back on and said, “Sorry, I was trying to let him run around a minute and this was the only place he could do that.”

$1,500 gets you an aluminum 14' tiller steer with a rusty trailer from 1970.

While 14 year old black boys are seen as “Men”. And 22 year old white rapists are “promising boys”.

Haven’t you been paying attention? Revising History has always been the first move in this kind of bullshit. Hell, half the time they’re not even waiting for it to BE history to rewrite it. Have we forgotten Trump and his sharpie revisions??

“......this widdle white woman......”

“I don’t know that as a woman alone in a park that I had another option,”

Apparently they do. Ask Bari Weiss. “Forced” to resign from the New Times because of her shrill tone deaf op-ed writing...she starts a podcast.

How tha fuck you forget there’s video receipts of none of that shit happening only a year later and think ya gonna walk away the victim?

After losing her job I guess she decided there’s more money in Klanning than rebuilding her life. She’s almost over-qualified for the GOP ticket now.

This woman is an attention whore. All she needed to do following the charges being dropped and having been put on blast once was to shut the fuck up, make a REAL apology and fade into the background.