
Imagine being so full of hate that you sit down and spend the time to design a mod that removes a flag you do not like in a game. Its some real “angry incel in their moms basement” level energy

It’s funny that the people who call others sensitive snowflakes are the ones getting upset over colored bars on a flag to the extent they have to mod them out.

Real “you calling out my racism makes you the *real* racist” energy.

I mean this isn’t exactly the same as modding out spiders in Skyrim or Darksiders.

I’m glad they only hurt themselves and not anyone else. Everything about these events epitomizes the idea of a douchebag. It’s incredibly unsafe, braggy for the point of being braggy, wholly inconsiderate of the safety and well-being of anyone else, and generally gives the vibe of “I am the coolest fucking person on

We already use plenty of public money to subsidize oil companies. If anything we should be spending more on EVs. The difference is that one goes in the pockets of corporations and one goes in the pockets of the individual. They don’t like that of course.

We already do. They don’t pay road tax. They get huge government subsidies. If your tech needs THAT much encouragement, your tech sucks.”

(glances over at the oil industry)

Where’s the accounting for the machinery required to extract oil from the ground, then transport it to a refinery, then refine it, then deliver it to the gas station, and all the power required to do that repeatedly over the life span of an ICE powered vehicle? I can’t reasonably believe that equates to only one

Unless I missed it, this doesn’t seem to account for building the BMW. Just because it doesn’t have a huge battery it doesn’t make manufacturing process CO2 free.

Something that is normally not factored into this (and I have been a hater on EV’s for the pollution they create away from use) is the only way we can get to more environmentally friendly EVs is keep evolving. ICE has gotten better over time, so will EVs. Sticking our heads in the sand and arguing that ICE is better

Reminder that Republicans think we need is LESS regulation over this.

If they’re able to verify the disc once and tie it to an account...surely they could also use this to let us install games on a console and never have to insert the disc again?

Don’t mind me, I’m just rolling around in all this sweet, sweet money I get for negging on NFTs, paid by... paid by... um... you know... the anti-NFT lobby!

Everytime someone starts whining about this, they never explain what those things that NFTs can actually be used for are, and how they’re better than existing methods.

Okay, name one thing. A new thing it brings to the table or improves upon.

That’s because there isn’t anything they can be used for that isn’t already being done with simpler technology.  

They are Republicans.... or whatever hate-filled, racist, fearmongering, liars the party has transformed into the last 6 years.

The girl’s name was Obianuju Osuegbu, there wasn’t “some wild mental gymnastics” to blame her there was just some plain old ingrained racism. Would happily wager my life savings that if it was a white cheerleader that got killed than the driver would be facing vehicular manslaughter.

It took some wild mental gymnastics — including just making shit up — for the police could find a way to blame a kid killed by such a driver, but they got there.”

I’ve found from my experiences living in the South that if your skin looks like this:

You missed a big opportunity calling the ‘MSM’ the Lame Stream Media, big smart man.

I’m sure he has a lot to say about masks and COVID too. It’s funny how something as small as a sticker can tell you everything you need to know about a person.