
he will probably use a drogue shoot first to slow the decent. And at that altitude the atmosphere is so thin, it won't be enough force to do much harm.

Unless you are shooting for billboards, the MP don't matter anymore. I would much rather have better low light and cleaner images than higher res.

the religious theme is what I was referring to as racy. But yeah I agree.

It is pretty racy. I understand their stance. This IS Nintendo we are talking about after all. I picked it up with the Humble Bundle and enjoyed its racy nature. I never could see this being on a Nintendo console though.

I cannot wait to see what is under that ice!

make that two of us

gotta love logical people.

I absolutely love these pictures. I was wondering if he were to crop the photos to be strictly the truck bed (and do perspective correction) if they would look more composed. What do you guys think? I think some might say it loses some context, but I find them appealing

that is pretty slick. all to shave milliseconds off our browsing time.

I am not going to bother picking this one apart, but here is one I will. "7. Different fields of evolutionary psudo-science, contradict each other, and invalidate each others theories all the time. "

the same can be said about iPhone and other mobile games. But when it comes down to it, they are separate genres that will not replace a good "fully fulfilled" game like fps, rpg, mmo, etc...

not to mention side by side gaming and browsing the web or movies or what ever

I welcome this. Sure it is pricey now, but remember the ridiculous price HDTVs used to be at when they first came out? This price will drop.

I pre-ordered this game expecting it to be charming like the other lego games. I played lego universe for about 3 weeks and had no desire to play it anymore. This game failed at getting players to play together. It ended up being a single player game with other people running around in it.

I'll pass. I like getting maximum resale from my "like new" phones.

I have a galaxy nexus, and while I love the phone, not being able to comfortably touch anywhere on the screen while holding it one handed is a bit tough. I have to loosen my fingertip grip around the phone leaving it vulnerable to falling out of my hands if bumped.

they HAD a working shuttle which only flew once as an unmanned mission, but then it was scrapped due to budget concerns and the fall of the soviet union.

whoa $152 million? I know this is probably needless to say, but if NASA tried to do the same thing, it would have cost us nearly a billion.

Good, Monster sells snake oil anyway. There are two companies I have zero respect for, Best Buy for one, and Monster.