
Do Gawker writers ever get tired of writing like this all the time?

Reminder that in addition to being an anti-feminist troll, Paglia is also a Birther.

The documentary also avoids a broader look at rape culture in the military, particularly the use of rape against "the enemy."

The UK version is more savage, but also more campy. The US version is aiming for more nuanced character portrayals (particularly of the women characters) and seems to be aiming at the analytical complexity of The Wire. Unfortunately, I think it's mostly just cynical and insidery. I'm still gonna watch though.

Reminder that the "feminist" hero of Zero Dark Thirty participates in the torture and sexual humiliation of numerous Muslim prisoners.

It's not clear to me why you felt the need to redact the opening paragraph and assert that Israel has been merely "accused of" this practice. The letter from the health minister is an implicit admission of the policy.

These cretins definitely owe her an apology. The again, Clinton owes the United Nations an apology for ordering diplomats to illegally spy on their foreign counterparts. Not holding my breath for either apology.

Boobs aren't gendered. You really don't need to call them "moobs." Trust me on this.

Interesting story. Unfortunate bodysnark.

Bigelow claims the movie doesn't support torture, but in this op-ed and elsewhere, she also claims the movie is a tribute to the real life members of CIA, who actually tortured people.

Did Jezebel really just allow the line "penises they can no longer see because their genitals have been smothered in a pyroclastic flow of groin fat that erupted from their bellies" to appear on their site? So much for no bodysnarking.

Reminder that Harmony Korine signed that "Free Polanski" petition.

"Fox New"

"Hillary Clinton has visited" the dictator. They're a strategic ally in the War on Terror, so we look the other way while they torture people. Just like Mubarak, who Clinton considered a family friend.

Better title for this post: "Speculative Friction."

Rape & sexual humiliation were also prominent in the CIA's "enhanced interrogations" now being celebrated on American movie screens in Zero Dark Thirty.

Or for that matter, Hillary Clinton.


Somebody oughtta tell this guy.

Thank you for finding the most unflattering, dehumanizing photo of this woman you could possibly choose.