
I mean... I’m a network administrator for a 10,000 student school district, and I honestly have no idea what Roblox is. I simply added a filter for Roblox to block the content, and I’ve only ever thought of it as some weird Minecraft-esque game. If you showed me screen shots of it, I couldn’t pick it out of a lineup.

It was actually a pretty great game when it launched, unless you were on a previous gen console. I tried it on Xbox One S and it was terrible, but I got a Series X a few days after CP launched and just switched to that. I had the game crash a few times, but I had less bugs than a standard Bethesda game, and had a

Because shareholders and people in corporate see NFTs selling for millions of dollars, have little to no understanding of how pointless and useless NFTs actually are, don’t realize that they don’t ACTUALLY solve anything that can’t already be done, but want them implemented anyway because they are new and shiny, and

I have German friends. Car prices are blowing up there too. Buddy got a call from the dealer to buy back his TTS, for the same price he bought it for two years ago, with an additional 9,000~km on the odometer.

Not knowing it’s an acronym for something with a hard G is a weak argument against pronouncing it incorrectly.

Yeah sure id Tech works, but likely the id Tech engine doesn’t actually have all the open world rendering and scripting capabilities that Gamebryo has. The Frostbite engine is extremely impressive, but every game that needed to use it for open world stuff ran into MASSIVE issues. Sure Rage was open world, but it was

Better grass PHYSICS, sure. But not graphical fidelity, not by a long shot.

Likely the massive car accident and head injury he sustained, followed by some emotional traumas, refusing to seek help, and surrounding himself with yes-men.

A number of officers definitely put their life on the line to protect the public.

It’s the paradox of tolerance.

How does anyone actually give a shit about what another person does with their hair, let alone children? It’s ridiculous.

It’s the paradox of tolerance. To live in a tolerant society, you must be completely intolerant to intolerance.

Sorry, but the politics these days from that side of the aisle, are quite literally killing people. By supporting them, you are supporting removing a woman’s right to choose, supporting keeping minorities disenfranchised, keeping healthcare out of reach for millions, and keeping people from being able to even feed

Wrong article? This one is about Destiny 2.

She supported politicians who’s entire political agenda was to hurt and disenfranchise people.

When I was an IT contractor, the contracting company had like 3 female employees, all in secretary roles, and would host department meetings at strips clubs.

Meanwhile basically the whole world just wants Mazepin out of sports, because he’s garbage. 

I mean yeah pets, kids, and other responsibilities exist, but online games that require a persistent online connection because of the online features that are built into the game, which include other players, generally don’t have pause features. Destiny, WoW, Elder Scrolls Online, Fallout 76, etc etc. None of those

Now it could be sheer luck, but myself, and everyone I know was able to get in, in just a few minutes. Same with my clan.

Normally it would take an hour or more.

Yeah for sure. It sounds like that’s what they want to do, rather than just yoink it and sell it. If they haven’t proven it first, then absolutely not.