
I love my Amazon prime membership. The amount of content it offers me on the digital streaming platform is fantastic.

They all work with the same tech: they send out low level bluetooth signals over a secure channel, and connect to mobile devices in the area. If that person has the corresponding app installed, it’ll update it to the cloud. That’s how they all work.

In a mission that functions by design to have you lose some party members—one that’s so maze-like in its possible outcomes you basically need a byzantine flowchart to properly navigate every key decision.

Yeah, I can. See: Tile. They’ve been around since 2013, with the EXACT same tech as Apple. And not just Tile. Samsung, Chipolo, and the other 5,900,294,230,892 devices you can find on Amazon from any random manufacturer.

Thanks for chiming in! Always good to hear more perspectives than what you’re exposed to, and it really sucks to hear you didn’t have a good experience there. Hopefully with the changes they’ve been making the last few years, and with what has been exposed from the article, this kicks them into a high gear to ensure


The confusion in this case is someone mixing up the brake and the gas. Which is how these sorts of investigations ALWAYS end. It was nothing UI related, almost guaranteed.

I’m all for calling out Tesla and their “Full Self Driving” bullshit, but this is clear cut driver error, and is absolutely stupid to suspend running them all.

It’s okay to admit that you’ve been swept up in the NFT hypetrain, without fully understanding, that no, they don’t really solve much of anything for video games.

And just like that, my excitement for the game has plummeted.

If the world was black and white, sure. But was Ka Mai explained to you, there’s a very clear distinction to these words, that have different histories and different meanings.

Cracker isn’t even remotely on the same level as other ethnic slurs.

Yeah but they could literally do security and unique items based on the solution without NFTs.

NFTs solve nothing.

I mean... I’ve seen construction workers and contractors do absolutely horrific work, and known that it was horrific work. Just because I can’t do it better doesn’t mean they don’t still suck.

While I agree with a lot of what you said, one of them used to work for Nintendo, and I’ve heard horror stories while she was employed there. I fully believe that if she wasn’t having a good experience at Bungie, she’d say so. And just knowing them as I do, if they were having a bad experience and didn’t want to talk

100% facts.

That’s very true, and none of the people I know were on that team.

Good question. Nearly all of the formers are white dudes, but the currents are one white woman, one pacific islander woman, and a mixed race male. Granted not a single one of them were on narrative, which seems to be the department experiencing so much of the issues.


Because the way he drives is a perfect allegory for his personality. Rich, entitled daddy’s boy, who was given everything, and believes he deserves it.

Puppies have more than two legs, you horrific monster.