

Yeah the actual actor doesn’t look like Harrison at all, that’s for sure.

A FWD car with the worst snow tires will out perform an AWD car with the best summer tires, hands down.

Nearly every Prius I’ve seen in my area drives like a loon.

A few readers have expressed concerns about picking up a Prius with 90,000 miles and expecting to run it 30,000 miles a year.

Pops had the bleach blonde hair until he was about 10 or so, and then it started coming in midnight black in parts for a few years and by the time he’s 15, the blackest hair of anyone I’ve ever met. His mom had red hair, his dad had light brown hair, so no idea where he got either his blonde from, or the jet black.

It honestly reminded me of Beacon, NY, or Jim Thorpe, PA. Walking through those towns seemed like they were part of a TV show where the directors and producers were trying to have everything as diverse as possible. It was almost comical. Granted, I don’t think that the diversity is a bad thing for a second.

My dad was born with bleach blonde hair, and it turned black as midnight by the time he was 15.

Yeah copper doesn’t work, but straight aluminum pans are kind of rare. Neither of those work with acidic meals. Nearly every “aluminum” pan I’ve seen is just an aluminum core pan, usually wrapped in stainless.

I work in IT. Seeing the shit that people do on their computers, or don’t do, made me realize that everyone is stupid, lazy, and probably insane, years ago.

There’s a MASSIVE difference between asking for “everything”, and asking to not have less than you did before, when UPS wants to reduce healthcare coverage and retirement benefits. Granted the union will fight that, and that’s what they’re there for.

One can only hope.

UPS beat earning expectations with a rising profit margin predicted in the fourth quarter, and its on-time performance is about 95 percent.

Watch the show “You” on Netflix.

Pretty sure you’re thinking of Nicki Minaj.

I’m glad nothing has warped for you. But I had a few pans warp with induction. What’s in the video is an expensive Matfer carbon steel pan, being placed on an induction stove, medium heat, and after just a few minutes you can see the high spot form, and then the pan starts being able to spin on the flat top.

Actually I’d most likely say you can. I’ve been asked if it’s okay PLENTY of times, by people who aren’t self righteous that just drop back without warning, and I always say yes, but ask that they don’t go all the way and crush my knees. I’ve never had an issue with those people, and they’ve always been courteous

Here’s a good video with one of the best quality consumer pans you can buy, warping right before your eyes, on an induction stove:

Almost any metal pan will work on an induction stove, including cast iron. I’ve done it many times. There’s just a procedure of warming *ALL* pans up slowly, to avoid warping.

All Clad is not a cheap quality pan, and I’ve seen DeBuyer and Matfer carbon steel pans warp on induction. These are all extremely high quality pans.