
Hey I've got a tip for you.

Your side is the consumer's side. Here's the developer's side:

Horrible quality post, shame you typed anything at all.

If only this much thought would be put in to making the god damn game better than what it's been for years now.

I know, it cracks me up. What does someone EXPECT this guy to say?

Maybe you should educate yourself before you go all "internet" on the topic.

You can't just make that blanket statement.

I find it hilarious that an article was written to dismiss a rumor as being stupid when all this damn site was a month ago was a bunch of rumors about the new iPad that ended up not being true.


That keyboard is very, very nice. But there's no need to pay that premium price for it when places like Newegg and Amazon will drastically reduce them in price after they've been out for a little while. That $140 keyboard can be had for $80 before Halloween.

The whole thing is pointless, and I can't believe they're actually going to alter the ending in some way just to appease a bunch of malcontents who have nothing better to do with their lives then rant online about an ending to a freaking video game. I hope they don't honestly think that ANYTHING they release will

That says absolutely *nothing* as it's 1000 people on an internet message board. The other 99% of people who bought the game and aren't busy wasting their time ranting about it online aren't bothered with how it ended. They took it for what it was.

So unbelievably stupid. You need to pick your battles when you "cave" to public sentiment, and this is NOT one of those times.

I have an iPad 2 and a new iPad in my house and I can't really say that I notice much of a difference between them.

lol, oops

Quick Time Events in Ninja Gaiden?

That's quality right there.

Will the label also be on DVD's, CD's, and Books? Because if so, go for it. But if you only think this applies to video games, screw off.

Get back to me when you can stream true 1080p with Dolby TrueHD or DTS HD-MA. Until then, physical media is in no danger whatsoever.

It's still going to be "OSX," but I'd wager they will change the name to iOS as a universal name for the Apple operating system.