
The worst part of all this is that people like this guy have to write in a way that makes it sound necessary to justify why he thinks piracy is wrong.

I think I can sum this up in one word.

Of course TV's like this are exciting, but they're also the hardest to attain for the "normal" consumer.

Anybody seen The Money Pit?

I'm thinking that's not a real company and he just wanted to get into CES.

So this is going to be their first "official" event since Jobs passed away, correct? I just wonder how they're going to go about that for a little while. Are they always going to feel like they need to shoe-horn his name into the announcements? Are they going to say something at the beginning, and just move on?

The only way that will happen is if Windows 8 tablets fail miserably. It will be their "killer app" and they're not going to release it on the competitor's devices.

Yeah, that looks like it would be a real breeze to play Civilization or Starcraft on.........

An economy that forces companies to mass-produce electronics overseas, that's who.

Nothing is presented in this aspect ratio.......why would I buy this? Wouldn't either 1) black bars be all over the place or 2) everything would look horribly stretched?

Exactly. They're either lying, or these are going to be pretty damn expensive.

That's what you and other commenters are saying but I'll file it under "I'll believe it when I see it."

I mean.....isn't this what people always complain about with Apple? "Sure they look nice, but you're paying a lot of extra money for something that doesn't really matter." That's what people always tend to say.

I get the feeling this is going to be a PC Computer at an Apple price.

This is, of course, only my opinion. And full disclosure: I do not own an iMac, never have. Although currently I have been looking at them and considering buying one whenever the "refresh" happens this year. I'm sure some Apple die-hards (or the opposite) will either add to or tear down what I say.

That doesn't make me change my initial thought though....what kind of desktop PC is that going to be with that area for the components? I feel like it's going to be an "ePC" spec'd system with high end pricing.

I question the functionality of the Vizio though BECAUSE of how thin it looks. I mean......where are the guts of that PC? What will the specs be if that's really how thin it is?

I'm just not sure the market is there for the desktop.

Thanks.....because those two games are really trying to do the same things.

As a pretty heavy player of both games, Gran Turismo 5 is not even on the same planet as Forza 4.