Good for them. Yes, I said it. Good for them! Somebody must be watching these movies! Who is it? It’s you, isn’t it? Admitting you have a problem is the first step on the road to recovery.
Good for them. Yes, I said it. Good for them! Somebody must be watching these movies! Who is it? It’s you, isn’t it? Admitting you have a problem is the first step on the road to recovery.
In fairness to the GOP, is there a better way of displaying your patriotism and love for Americ, other than spending $90 million on an insane July 4th parade and blocking funding for 9/11 first responders? I don’t think so.
Our daughter, who was severely disabled, passed away in November. This article both saddened me and made me feel better about the whole thing.
Has Scarlett Johansson done something recently to make her a target? The article completely ignores what she says to instead give a clickbait “Black Widow is racist” headline.
Her explanation is basically “in a perfect world anyone should be able to play anyone, but we don’t live in a perfect world, we live in a world…
I friggin love Area 51. It’s clearly meant as a honeypot to attract enemies in the event of a land invasion. Spend 50 years convincing the population that all America’s secret alien technology is stored in the middle of the desert, and when the commies invade, they’ll be obligated to check it out no matter how…
Children in cages. There are children in cages. Surely the concentration camps are a higher priority for storming, right?
After listening to Conan and Andy (with Sona and Gourley of course) on CONAN O’BRIEN NEEDS A FRIEND yesterday morning and evening on my commutes and watching this last night, it was one of the best CONAN days I’ve ever had.
Anyone who’s a fan of live TV and talk shows should have loved this, late cancellation, weird…
The guy loves his wife. Good for them.
Attorney General Barr’s father Donald was the principal of an elite Manhattan private school, Dalton. Donald Barr hired Jeffrey Epstein, who didn’t have a college degree, to be a calculus & physics teacher. Attorney General Barr, as head of DoJ, is effectively in control of Epstein’s new case.
I know we don’t allow castration as a punishment so then if he is found guilty by a jury, which is most likely, how about some financial contributions to all the young girls he hurt. Just strip every dollar he has hidden away and distribute it evenly to every girl. I do mean the girls and not the attorney’s pockets.
An agnostic fellow engineer who fixes cath lab x ray equipment was revived after being dead for 42 minutes in the cath lab- this was after he was brought in from home after being found dead from the blood disorder factor 5 and multiple clots ( we don’t know how long he was dead at home ). He was revived by the very…
Because there is a Terry Pratchett quote for any occasion, I think this one is important to bring up here:
Very late to this post, and forever gray on this site, but having had a NDE of my own, I couldn’t resist...
As a lapsed christian, death has turned into one of the scariest things for me. I understand a lot of people come to accept it because they’ll no longer feel pain or sorrow, but to me that’s always been a glass half-full thing. It means I can’t feel joy, love or even sadness, the things I do enjoy feeling. I want to…
Nobody mentioned dimethyltryptamine. DMT is a naturally occurring drug that some doctors believe is released into the brain right before you die. Causes all the peace, light at the end of the tunnel experience etc.
I work all day, and get half-drunk at night.
Waking at four to soundless dark, I stare.
In time the curtain-edges will grow light.
Till then I see what’s really always there:
Unresting death, a whole day nearer now,
Making all thought impossible but how
And where and when I shall myself die.
Arid interrogation: yet the dread
I am a Norse/Germanic pagan, but choose not to practice with a formal group; there are plenty of Asatru who are fervently opposed to racism, but in general it’s a little too völkisch for my taste. Plus I was raised Catholic and retain my aversion to organized religion from those younger days.
It has been suggested, perhaps without a lot of evidence that many supposed, spiritual aspects of being old, including being less selfish and more generous, and wisdom and sacrifice, are really a consequence of brain damage gradually reducing the influence of areas of the brain that ordinarily promote survival and…