Malto Burvara 1

Every time she reached out to connect to anyone they pushed her away and still demanded more from her. After Jorah and Misandea died she had no one left and everyone just rebuffed her as she kept reaching out. She actually tried, that's the tragedy here. She gave a crap and tried and they left her bereft and alone. 

Daenerys now gives John the Iron throne and goes back across the sea where she’s loved. Now that she’s both saved and destroyed Westeros. But not before Arya’s going to try and kill her, which snaps her out of her madness. Bran isn’t done, did you see the Easter Egg in the opening credits...... something is still

This situation is one of the most offensive things I’ve seen in my life.

Nice touch. 

I seriously don’t get the weird reaction to the battle and especially Arya’s killing of the Night King. This played out exactly like a fantasy novel. Just like it was based on. It was no different than destroying the One Ring and having certain creatures like ring wraiths fall their master, Mad Torak being defeated,

Get a Roku Ultra. They rule. Best piece of streaming gear I have. 

Why do I get the feeling it’s not over with winter, the undead and the whole threat from the north quite yet?

I have a weird feeling something isn't completely over with the Winter or the undead. I don't know why. 

Could be it was a metaphor for several things you're right. I didn't think of that aspect too. Nothing is wasted on this show. 

Dr Finn is Who

I’ve said it elsewhere. Can you imagine the sheer economic stimulus impact this would have on the economy, it would be massive. It would uplift generations. It would transform things fundamentally touching so many. 

Both daughters were also willing participants in their scheme too. They both need to be careful they are not dragged into this as well and get fined or even brought up on fraud charges.

The problem with Polanski is that while he was convicted he ran from the consequences. So while they could have been anything from the seemingly favorable deal he wanted to some extra time he didn’t, he never actually has “done his time” as you put it. So for him to be suing and throwing fits is not only hypocritical

Now you have me thinking. Could this be the memory wipe didn’t work and young Kelly decided the following.

That was really really creepy Ed deciding to date young Kelly. That kiss was just gross. Then by the end his apology before the mind wipe showing his own growth. It was also the opposite of gross and instead was amazingly touching apologizing to both the past and present Kelly in such a way. This was a crazy

I agree with you 100%. It’s great to hear too, my mom who actually watched Star Trek and Star Wars with me as a kid loves it too. She’s in her 70s as well.

They have their own Star Trek with The Orville if they decide to really give it a chance. This whole series has been a massive surprise in a very good way. 

I get what you’re saying, plus she’s from a country where blackface isn’t such a historic negative thing, BUT we are a global community now. Blackface is immensely harmful to millions and should be acknowledged and treated as such and not done at all.

Bortus’s smile at the end was so cool. Well earned.

Amazing and totally on point. Kyle Korver I’m grateful to him for this.