
Most DBZ games are fighting games though. When you try to make it an adventure, it ends up clunky at best like Sagas. Maybe try the Legacy of Goku Series for GBA?

This woman has already committed at least 2 atrocities against humanity. Even by Megatron's standards, it's understandably repulsive.

"but I feel like it would start to look like 'oh, have I played this?'"

Hathaway does a really good impression of Liv Tyler...

Now playing

What about that epic 3D crossover filled with Yugi and Yusei bromance?

Prepare for another exciting battle of wits over a children's card game!

I think they mistook Pikachu for another furry, red cheeked mascot.

"Oh hai der" Bioware, never change. Or do. Either way.

This is a manifestation of all the pigeons killed in GTAIV.

I can only wonder who would buy this and how they're practically holding back an actual remake if this sells well...

That's definitely better! The natural lighting and eye movement really makes a difference in these demos.

To me, the LA Noire motion capture tech looks better because it doesn't have as much detail. This on the other hand has so much more detail that it's closer to the uncanny valley because it still doesn't seem right.

That realization.


This needs to be sent to Square Enix a million times over to make sure they get the message and maybe, just maybe they'll get the hint on what the fans actually want:

The tagline for this movie is "The worst wish ever made" which probably mean Frieza gets beefed up big time with God powers...

What I dig from this is that Master Roshi is joining in on the action once again. Full Power Muten Roshi is so badass. Must be dire if all the warriors are back fighting. It also seems Frieza wasn't revived by the Dragon balls, but rather some cloning or scifi mumbo jumbo? The green goo chamber he comes out of is

Them female models look like they went to the same plastic surgeon... just like real life SK!

I see a shop contest...