Marvel. Even if it isn't as popular of a comic book, it still brings in those who want to enjoy the entirety of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. That alone is huge. Except maybe Agents of SHEILD when it started out....
(>____>) (<___<)
Or you could just watch this.....
Uh, the same kind of people who appreciated the Batman Silver Age era and Batman history in general? That includes Bruce Timm and Paul Dini, who made classic BTAS and Grant Morrison, writer of many popular and critically acclaimed Batman comic arcs. Bader voiced that version of Batman well.
This marks the second time another Batman story has taken inspiration from TDKR. Honestly, even if the movie disappoints, that (supposed) fight is going to be gewwddddd.
To me it looks as if Jet Grind/Jet Set Radio Future had a baby with Rachet and Clank. Amazeballs.
You mean Mayreeo?
Love Superman Red Son! An intriguing conflict of political values. One of the better stories of Batman beating Superman, only because it's so clever. It doesn't go for the tiring kyrptonite, but other weaknesses that Supes has (red UVs, that hardly other writers really implement well) and makes it interesting.
"Extended Levels..... including the Library"
This makes me want a Batman Beyond Origins series with Bruce wearing the Beyond Batsuit for the entirety of it fighting crime and serving justice. I can't think of anything more awesome than that. C'mon DC, take my moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy alreadyyyyyyyyy
Which is also similar to Batman turning on sonar vision in TDK.
Now show me the derpiest faces of Skyrim!