
Ashi disappearing was dog shit and still felt really unnecessary for the show to do. It wasn't a very emotional moment, it didn't mean anything, and it wasn't a very satisfying ending to the Jack-in-love development. It was just dog shit and was bad.

I thought this was kind of a mess! For how long Genndy has had to think about it, this seemed like an ending with an absolutely shocking lack of vision.

Jimmy really could have just told Rebecca that he wanted to stay out of legal trouble as much as possible. Easy card to play.

I teared up when Chuck had his outburst. I can't articulate why. Anyone have a good way to articulate what was so upsetting there? Donna did a great job, obviously, I just want to hear it in other ways. I was awestruck by this.

Isn't this relationship a little fucked up? Jack has been alive for basically seventyish years and Ashi just recently learned that there are non-human creatures.

(I mean, I also hate people speaking to children this way, but yeah.)

If Jonathan Banks couldn't get it for season one and Michael McKean couldn't get it for season two…man, I dunno.

I really didn't like the way Hay told Jimmy to apologize. I get that her sympathies are obviously with Chuck, but I just….I really hate adults talking to fellow adults like they're children. I could feel how much it hurt Jimmy to bow down to that bullshit.

Is Jack actually going to get back to the past or is he going to defeat Aku here and then stay?

I know it's not. Still felt like a bit of a sour note, particularly when the idea of convincing Ashi of Aku's evil was presented as being so lofty and big.

I get that. It was still weird that it was THE example when convincing someone whose entire worldview was fucked.

(seriously, it disturbed me that the go-to display for aku being evil was showing ashi that he lets in scary-looking people. this was a weird moment)



I like that the wolf wasn't just a metaphor.

Cool! But yeah, I can assure you it's a thing therapists say all the time to create a certain atmosphere.

"This is a safe place" is something that people in therapy will say literally all the time, particularly in group therapy. You're wanting to see something that isn't there.

That's just a thing that therapists say. I don't think Samurai Jack would pointlessly date itself with a jab at safe spaces. Come on.

i don't think samurai jack is making a commentary on safe spaces

ayo lmaooooooo jack keeps finding weapons from breath of the wild