
banana stickers

Uh, she's met Alexandrite. C'mon.

Greg and Marty is my favorite Adult Swim show.

This episode seemed fucking aimless for such a long time but in retrospect they set everything up really perfectly. You know how as SU happens you can basically tell what they're going to interrogate and learn from? Yeah, you didn't really feel tethered to any of that during this episode. The groundwork was laid, but

actually i like all of the things i have said, particularly the "meh"

i'm not knocking it, i thought the joke was awesome

you mean by not changing his voice, at all?

"let me drive my van into your wash"


No Chance, G T F O

Thank you.

that's what made it for me

I would welcome this plot development, btw.

"BoJack Horseman goes underwater and hits its high-water mark"

So Steven Universe is usually a pretty morally straightforward show, but I don't really understand what specifically they're saying with all these themes. Something about unhealthy relationships, but one that Lapis kept Jasper in against her consent. I don't fully track what's going on here. I don't totally get where

new lars was amazing

Smacked all the way to Neptune.

I just bought a complete collection immediately after I heard. The last truly great newspaper comic.

I realllllllly didn't like it. It reminded me of how good the show was when there was a slowly leaked mystery. A show giving you everything you want right then and there can be a serious problem.

they're also doing this weird meta joke of "REMEMBER HOW PEARL WAS IN SEASON ONE" thing and i kind of love it. like when she was going nuts in "steven floats" it was pretty fueled by going "hey guys remember this"