
Okay, so I'm going to put this out there:

I mean, it had its flaws and didn't really focus on building around its fantastic moment. "Mr. Greg" has some structural flaws that I talk about a bit here:…

So you guys call this one slight, not last night.

that wasn't until the tail end was it, when everyone went insane with it


That showrunner really thinks Pizza Steve isn't just a good gag, but a home run.

I ship Kevonnie

god i just enjoyed every second of this so much, it was so fucking weird

Best episode of the week, fuck you guys. This was amazing.

amedot goin crazy rn

there was good stuff but it wasn't exactly an elegant episode of television

also wow steven universe just did a musical with zero pre-episode hype about it

a pretty clumsy episode for one that made me cry like a dick

Was anyone else tearing up just a little with how furious Davos was? This was a little girl who was maybe wiser than he was. She was his teacher. Sure, she was like a daughter, but in many ways they were peers.

dude made ROUNDS

Was rather surprised at the lack of a "Stannis ordered me" defense.

I was waiting for a classic Stark-kid-beheading type deal where that signals their doom. But Jon's kind of already done one of those, hasn't he? Although I suppose that was in another life.

I'm still pretty mad they didn't tell us what being the Three-Eyed Raven really even means. Meera was like ARE YOU READY and Bran was like I HAVE TO BE and then he just looked a thing. Like, what?

Notable: Tyrell and Martell, the two we learn are joining Daenerys this episode, are the two major houses that fought with the Targaryens against Robert's Rebellion. Given, they faced longer odds in Robert's Rebellion, with the Arryns, the Starks, the Tullys, and the Baratheons opposing them, with the Lannisters on

I really wish they hadn't telegraphed their BIG SHOCKING MOMENT so heavily.