
To give you an idea of how big it is, I can't think of a more famous active fan theory in any ongoing fiction bar Rey's parentage.

Meanwhile, since you've (SOMEHOW) come to the conclusion by yourself, do yourself a little favor and Google R + L = J.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm not making fun of you so much as amused that someone posted this. It's just funny because people literally won't shut up about it and it has been driving people especially crazy this season (re: Tower of Joy scene).

you sound fun

I wish this feature would have been around for "Blackwater."

No one has ever thought of this before. You've changed the game.

On the other hand, Tommen does similar things.

Margaery dying would be a fantastic way to shift the plot into overdrive.

You are the only one.

Could be a false big bad, or a character with much more complex motivations than we think.

I'd put one on a dragon going down FOR SURE at 100-1. You kidding me? Hard to imagine how they'd go down, sure, but it's totally a way the show would shake shit up.

I'd take those odds. I mean, if you put a dollar on it and the impossible happens, you win. Soooo

What's with people betting on 2-1's? Not exactly how you make money in this. Does anyone really think that 33% are underestimated odds for the mortality of High Sparrow and Septa Unella?

"5-1 Bran, Jon Snow, and Sansa end up together at the end of the season." Would take these odds, probably. But I was more expecting it to happen at the end of last episode, actually, like that's what was through the door. Meanwhile, Jon may or may not being moving toward Winterfell soon, making this far less likely.

btdubs meera reed fanclub over here

By the way, Kevan isn't a weed. Kevan is probably the most competent, least terrible leader from King's Landing outside of our beloved Tyrion.

Put money on that 25-1 Margaery Tyrell, for the love of god. This show is about SHOCKING death, and that happening next episode would throw shit into the disarray we're needing right about now.

Pretty okay? "We Found Love" is the best Rihanna song, and that's actually saying quite a bit.

so marshall lee and prince gumball boned

Matriarchy, yo