
So when is Nacho finally gonna die?

Chuck made a great case, but I'd have taken my business to another firm. I'd have really hated those guys.

Prediction: Better Call Saul's ninth episodes of each season aren't unlike what Game of Thrones does, and we're about to get Jimmy bragging about his stunt to Kim, and she's going to completely side with what Chuck thinks about him.

I really would not have appreciated HHM's horrible condescension in that business meeting. That was awful, and felt like a dealbreaker.

I really would not have appreciated HHM's horrible condescension in that business meeting. That was awful and felt like a dealbreaker.

Again: Kim thought Jimmy's boss okayed the commercial. Nothing was her fault, at all.

"his reveal that he might have been a little tougher on Kim because he expected more from her is actually pretty endearing."


The voices are so wrong. It's not even that they're scabs, it's just wrong.

The future has a way of catching up with you.

Alden and Moynihan are such a team. Fuck.

We're not sure how Susan differs from Hyoomans or humans yet, is my thing. Like, WHAT IF SHE ANDROID

We're not sure about Susan.

Betty and Simon are both kinda-sorta-human.

Or is Betty human? idk

He's still Finn the Human. Pretty sure he's the only confirmed human now that Martin's one with the universe or whatever.

Was expecting GOLB to show up, almost.

This is the Adventure Time I missed. No comment.

Oh my god that phone call broke my heart.

"grooooan, she'll probably end up with Hater"