
If the series had to end right now we'd get Maja+Ele, Susan Strong, Sweet Pea, Betty and Simon, probably even Jake's alien parent?

This is probably the weakest season since two so far, maybe. It's still really good, but yeah right now I'm not so hype. Not sure what I'd consider for my Top 50 Episodes list. Probably only the best Stakes episode and More You Moe, if those.

Oh, we just saw fucking Orgalorg in Gunter's eyes again so we have THAT going on. THAT'S happening.

Seriously, right now there's the Sweet Pea arc, the Betty arc, the Susan Strong arc, the Maja/Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant arc. Am I missing anything? There are a LOT of balls in the air!

1. The Secret Society accomplishes its mission, ending the arc.
2. Wizard City, most notably Ice King, loses its power, resulting in a conscious Simon.
3. After kicking Ash off his magic carpet and not even lingering on OMG ASH, Ice King goes to Ice Kingdom and looks up a ritual and calls Marceline.

"It doesn't seem to have a story structure planned out like Steven Universe"

SO MUCH HAPPENS in the first betty episode. like oh my god the number of things that happen is so crazy.

ugh they better get moynihan on the next betty episode, this felt pretty off

Also, I really don't think that Ice King's pleading is what inspired Betty to return his crown to him. She, uh, clearly has a plan.

I hope everyone noticed Orgalorg reflecting from Gunter's eyes.

B+ is about right. An episode as important as this shouldn't take a break to chase around foxes for five minutes, fun as all that is.

Yeah, "Food Chain" is just the shit.

Edited it to middling.

Something about season seven has just mostly felt really off, man.

Edited it to "middling."

But BMO was RIGHT. It was totally contrary to my own reaction, but also wow, boarding that was masterful. It was magnificently pulled off. It was a slow reveal that was beautiful in a very literary way.

I hadn't considered that until just now. That…huh. Is there anything else we know that might tie into that?

Middling episode for the most part. BUT.

A Betty episode without Moynihan…just…yeah, felt flat.

Just saw it. Man, even the big episodes in season seven are feeling a little…off. That was certainly not up to par with "Betty" or "Floaties." Not that I didn't enjoy it. But.