
But the stakes for Ford's livelihood just considerably lessened?

Tyrone had experiences that were decidedly not that of Dipper. The Tyrone he knows cannot be created from within now.

Theory: Why the unicorn won't accept Mabel as pure of heart, explained!

I totally disagree, I think this was fucking awesome. This is as joyously strange as Regular Show WISHES it was.

The Morcs were a Family Guy move.

The breakdown in The Clash's "Capital Radio 2." Joe riffing about the charts, Topper counting all the money, the drums roll, and the thing just explodes, my jaw falls open, and suddenly the song is boogying. BOOGYING.

rick and i pretty much said "too fast" at the same time.

oh yeah, although i saw that coming a mile away. when they got in the ship i was all "oh man what about the ramp, what does he do with the ramp"

The breakup would be not unlike this:

it's theft at best

the part where he created them, that's fine. the part where he steals their power? not great!

wait, i was wrong. it was the MINIVERSE that got destroyed. the teenyverse therefore was also, consequently, destroyed

…why do Rick and Zeep even bother dressing up? Don't they already totally look like aliens?

Man, I really love the touch about the ramp, and Rick talking about how much they love the ramp, like he just has an utter contempt of how foolish they are for loving the ramp.

they are therefore free fi to fo home

i mean, it peaks with nobody getting the fee fi fo fum joke

for me probably the most horrifying moment wasn't even given a beat by the episode. the destruction of the teenyverse

i know right

meeseeks and destroy is probably maybe the only episode where rick and morty are the b-plot

meeseeks and destroy's b-plot is amateur hour and ruins all claims that it's better