
I tend to not go crazy about the CGI (like, dragons so far pretty much bore me, although maybe that's my association with the F-minus-worthy "Mhysa" scene), but damn. God damn. Holy fucking cow.

holy fucking SHIT man

I need that POV vid of Annie on YouTube and then I need to keep my hands free.

To be fair, Jake is a fucking liar and keeps his goddamned favorite cup.

Finn's cultural expectations (such as those that lead him to imagine the cats have an intentional prince-dom) have always been fascinating, and it's why back in the day, "Mystery Train" was one of my very favorite episodes. He doesn't try to solve the crime Jake sets up for him in a good way. He tries to solve the

I really liked "Chips & Ice Cream," not as like a top 50 episode (which I'll get to one of these weeks…), but it was a load of fun. In terms of fun and heft, though, "Box Prince" wins because of how loopy Finn is in context, and it also begins to border on the surreal. And like Aranaktu under there says, it's a bit

"Box Prince" actually struck me as pretty good on my current marathon viewing. It's Finn at his most basket case post-breakup. Finn goes CRAZY after that breakup, and "Box Prince" is probably the most pathetic example of it.

If I'm actually going to think about this question, my mind jumps to "The Jiggler." But then again, "Baby."



This was, like, fine. It was most at home at the beginning and end when we were dealing with the sad heads. The idea of Ooo having a water park seems too…well, developed. I'm sure you could point to comparable recreational areas they've used in episodes, but this was just so central that it feels like they left Ooo

This was a GREAT episode you JERKS.

But signs seem to point to Gunter not being ultimately interested in Ice King's affections? So.

In "Princess Potluck," Gunter responds to Ice King's affection by threatening to shock him.

No but seriously can someone kill Selyse please? Fuck her.

or a ROOSE : o

Which is cool. Sometimes there are just crazy moments where we lament that the audience is deprived of them, because in Game of Thrones, those moments really do affect how you see these characters.

I dunno, dude. When someone says "don't make me rue the day I raped your mother," you get a little pissed when an audience is deprived of how stone cold a dude is.

That is some stone cold shit.

I'm telling ya, they do it every time. A line you want from the book? Nope, sorry.