
I'm not upset about this. Just the general trend. The end of season four was rill bad, though.

The only problem with that is that him wandering through the Red Keep makes basically no sense. Like, what?

it's only like one of the most loved lines in all of the books? like even if i didn't care about it, not putting it in is just objectively dumb

This is so stupid that I literally just figured it happened and I missed it. Holy SHIT.

They have no problem trusting casual viewers with a mountain of fucking characters already in a way where watching the show without actually studying up and figuring out what the fuck is going on is COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE no matter what. They seem to have no sense of what an audience is ever capable of.

Like, I LOVE this show. It has some of the greatest moments that television has EVER produced. But there is just some serious bullshit in here, and it could be so much better with so few tweaks. It drives me up a wall.

Between "Ed, fetch me a block," "Only Cat," and Tyrion's Tysha motivation at the end of season 4, I am absolutely convinced that Benioff and Weiss are two of the fucking dumbest showrunners of all time. They are spoonfed these beautiful lines and moments on a silver platter and just turn them down like they're nothing.

There are positives and negatives to Jake's way of life that were probably best confronted in "Ocarina," in which Jake's (BRILLIANT) understanding of laws is outlined. I think they're trying to send a mixed message that there's value in living as free as Jake does while also some tension among those he loves.

Martin's return really sucked.

Finn was so proud he knew all five.

Finn actually meeting his dad post-Glob's death was so disappointing, so it's great that they're clearly setting up the end of this season for something more substantial in that direction.

Is he going to get the guy who prosecuted the Garner case elected to Congress or something?

Some people call it homonormativity, although that's not /quite/ a proper term to establish what it is, which is the normalizing of sexual preference as a binary (often with bisexuality thrown in), which in turn reinforces gender binaries. This is a very, very advanced thing to tackle.

This is as radical thing I've ever heard from the show. It's goddamned advanced stuff for a sitcom to tread on. I am IMPRESSED.

Nobody does silent conversations like Community. NOBODY. First season, all of the table contemplating relationships with each other? Gold.


Last episode of Gravity Falls was fucking LANDMARK.

I mean, they were just fucking GUESSING with the crab claw thing, so it makes ZERO sense that they were right.

So one of Finn's past lives is hurtling towards the earth.