
I hope you're right and that she gets more into it. Luckily, they didn't screw this up in a way that really changed how things play out in the long term. Zaofu fell just like we thought it would, and not really much else.

I care about Korra. I am fascinated by the story being told. But I feel like Korra has no real connection to the story being told right now.

I suppose I'm less upset with the sense it makes on Kuvira's end and more upset with the sense it makes on Korra's end. She doesn't seem to have any idea as to what she's fighting about.

And, I should add, reducing a military conflict to a one-on-one fight is hard to do. This fight gave me absolutely zero feeling that everything was on the line, that a Korra victory would mean god damned anything.

And those hits might have been more emotional if I felt like Korra had any investment in the actual situation. It doesn't feel like she does.

I think my gripes are especially compounded by how poorly they've brought Korra into the fight. The last time they talked, Korra wanted to convince Suyin to surrender. She began this episode by defending Kuvira. Since then, she's just had assorted people talking their beliefs at her. It's been very annoying, and maybe

enough to assume she wouldn't get murdered to all fuck in the avatar state?

i've only been saying this the whole time

This episode was entirely made up of Korra being hasty and just plain fucking stupid.

I think this episode's A-plot sucked. SUCKED. Varrick's plot was great.

"It fits" is much less satisfying than "it is interesting."

Scratch that. According to the Avatar Wikia, it's in the central south. :(

Looking at the map again, the only unfilled regions are what I described. Zaofu must take up some of it, which would make a lot of sense considering Su moved there after living in Republic City.

Full extremes aren't necessary to make that point, though.

I thought of this way later and you're totally right. And also, that might confirm what someone suspected: Republic City is in Kuvira's eyesights.

yes this

Brainwashed Bolin would either be stupid or way too hardcore for Nickelodeon.

Yeah, that's totally true. The show fucks around just for a little bit.

Yeah, but modern-day China was built on questionable grounds. You need to really reckon with ethics if you want to form a nation-state as a not-asshole, and Kuvira is shitting on that in ways she doesn't even need to.

"The major problem — one of the major problems, for there are several — one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso