
There is no character in either series that delights me more than Varrick.

Probably the blocking of something inside the body? That's what I figured.

And I loved seeing Korra being an idiot and then feeling the consequences of that. It put her in a more brutal place to learn.

It's not hard to top season 1 for me. They basically wet the bed the ending.

Some thoughts on this season.

Speaking of, the Earth Queen theme always sounds like the beginning of "Rains."

Yeah, what's up with the Tommen hate?

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Did somebody say Dawes?


Adventure Time is SERIOUSLY on this fifth season. Will be a shame if AVC doesn't give it due props this year.

Also, remember how PB revealed just that circle of her face from her invisibility cloak?

You know how old PB is, right?

Phlannel Boxingday. Princess Bubblegum. PB. Zanoits. Treaties. Duh doi.

So they've turned Lemongrab into Kim Jong-un.

Adventure Time not getting high honors is fucking disgraceful.

I think the show is fine toward Skyler, who I have some pretty major respect for.  But the fanbase's reaction to her…it's really messed up.

You don't like clichés?  You don't like overlapping themes?