Once again the Swedes appropriating Finnish culture. If they wanted to have Molotov cocktails they need to be on the receiving end of Molotov Breadbaskets. Shame on you Sweden! You get your own arson device.
Once again the Swedes appropriating Finnish culture. If they wanted to have Molotov cocktails they need to be on the receiving end of Molotov Breadbaskets. Shame on you Sweden! You get your own arson device.
Poor Sweden.
How ever you define your self in relation to societal gender norms is of no consequence to me or frankly anyone else. It is your life to live. Just as Eddie Izard said when confronted for wearing ‘women’s clothes’, saying ‘they are his clothes, he bought them’.
To be clear there is no long term study that shows an objective benefit to gender reassignment/ affirming surgery. In fact suicide rates are higher in the post surgical groups. This finding is waived away with some nonsense or other about societal factors rather than admitting to an ineffective treatment.
I think the point she is raising is she was genetically a female not intellectually/socially female and thus it’s different.
And you have no right to be a fascist. You have been shown to be wrong and frankly unamercan by a litany of Supreme Court rulings. I get that you weren’t taught history but Jesus you can’t be that much an ignorant.
Jesus, you either didn’t read it or are a fuckwit, may I also point you at Termienllo v Chicago in which the court found you wrong as well. You have no leg to stand on the supremes have decided at least three times that you are wrong. Stop being such a fascist.
Pointing out the hypocrisy of ‘anti fascists’ acting fascisticly is more sport. These people aren’t fighting for the release of the millions of slaves in Africa and Asia. They are just fascist shouting at other fascists, both groups being equality stupid and ineffective. The last Portland riots being a prime example.
Tell me about this ‘Doom Horse’
It’s how someone describes their relationship status on swingers specialist social media.
Your grandfather fought for the the freedom of his countrymen and the freedom of the people of Europe to enjoy the rights of speech and assembly. You sir are the one denegrating your grandfathers legacy by denying people their rights.
Google ‘Skokie Affair’ you belligerent ignorant.
Roberta Cowell was an XX male and had this to say about others choosing surgery.
You clearly haven’t out of the country, which is totally fine, but compounds your ignorance.
“The people who have followed me have often been those with male chromosomes, XY. So they’ve been normal people who’ve turned themselves into freaks by means of the operation.” Roberta Cowell
Right, they didn’t get all of it and there has been a resurgence since then. Pennsylvania was also more or less immune to the whims of the community care movement, because frankly quakers don’t play that shit, and is where the majority of quatinary mental health institutions are located.
You are obviously agitated, why don’t you take a moment to collect your thoughts.
You specified mental health care for which free state provided care has existed since before the civil war, and your insurance must cover your mental health treatment by law. So I’m sorry you had a rough go because you didn’t understand the world you lived in, or because your physician father refused to submit the…