Because the alpina Z8 is liquid sex, and should have been end of Bavarian roadsterdom?
Because the alpina Z8 is liquid sex, and should have been end of Bavarian roadsterdom?
No snappy comeback calling the pacifist a Nazi? Shame.
That was a reference to the movie in which his nom deplume appears. You are out of your element Donny.
Sounds like you need to work on your anger issues. Some of us, your betters, were taught not to hit.
When did it become imaginary?
Nice to see the bleeding hearts advocating assault.
And he can steal cell phones from tourists and by his own fish.
In an economy with 3.5% unemployment staying in a job that does not pay a living wage is a personal problem.
No just no.
Not only that, the Boston example proves fish treat ride share bikes just like people do.
Bostonians have a long history of throwing things into their bay. At least this time it wasn’t delicious tea.
People think they need $40k accord when their needs and budget fit a Honda Fit. In the same vein as ‘buy the damn minivan’
Well if you have a commute over potholes you may want to consider the Honda. Especially since Honda sense can be had for less than $20k. Do you even magic seat bro?
Buy the damn fit.
So is there a TJ based super cub in the wings?
“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they…
Because they sell things in other markets?
You should know better than to quote the sun, didn’t the headline give you pause?