
I see most of the splinter team and indeed the commenters are just massive dicks who don’t really understand the world around them. Not one of you fucks has been asked to make a decision of consequence beyond which $8 latte to order. Fuck off back to your self congratulating circle jerk. You really are just terrible

The tariff on euro cars is not dumping but retaliation, the tariffs on Chinese aluminum is anti dumping. 

The US isn’t experience the same labor shortages, and steel and aluminum prices collapsed because there isn’t enough domestic Chinese demand. You communists over built your refining industry. The same situation exists and your refiners still won’t be able to clear the market but because they are a jobs program and not

China only exceeded us manufacturing in 2011 and faces significant headwinds from rising supply and labor costs. Additional the subsidies that lead to Chinese oversupply and cheap prices have been reduced. So sorta kinda there captain. 

China also employs massive tariffs on foreign produced automobiles. 

Is the four pot 228 terrible?

Alabama’s manufacturing industry is $268 billion. 

What does “highly skilled” mean and who is paying for the training? 

The EU exports €120 billion in cars to the US. 

Because a US 20% tariff hurts the EU more than an EU 50% tariff hurts the US. 

Your numbers are skewed by the NAFTA area. 

Maybe because your government placed a 10% tax on American made cars?

The US represents 20% of EU vehicle exports. The US imports 1.2 million vehicles from the EU and exports 0.2 million to the EU. So no the volume of US exports is insufficient for that to be a significant factor. 

so your problem is magnitude. The end game is zero tariff so the retaliatory tariff must be sufficiently high to cause Brussels to change course. 

The original EU tariff or the retaliatory tariff designed to end the EU tariff? 

Free trade is hard to sell in an area with shuttered factories. 

Wait doesn’t Rep Byrne understand that if the tax on imported from Alabama Mercs were lower his constituents would have more work? That the 10% EU tariff hurts his constituents thus though ham fisted the trump is trying to work in their favor? 

In fairness they started it with their 10%. 


You misspelled riot, and this is after they forget to vote.